Nue – A React/Vue/Vite/Astro Alternative

Frontend Troublemaker Nue is a game-changing alternative to React, Vue, Next.js, Vite, and Astro. It revolutionizes web development by tackling issues like the TCP slow start algorithm and the amount of code required for rich web pages. Nue offers a greatly improved developer experience with separation of concerns and universal hot reloading. Designed for UX engineers, JavaScript developers, and content creators, Nue provides simplicity without compromising functionality. The Nue JS library, weighing just 2.3kb minzipped, allows you to build user interfaces effortlessly. Moreover, the Nue ecosystem aspires to be a comprehensive alternative to existing systems. Tero Piirainen, the original author of Riot.js, envisions a minimalist approach that utilizes progressive enhancement, separation of concerns, and semantic web design. Exciting discussions are happening on Hacker News and Reddit. Stay tuned for more from Nue!

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