NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source Linux GPU Kernel Modules

NVIDIA’s R515 driver released Linux GPU kernel modules in May 2022 as open source with dual GPL and MIT licensing. The initial focus was on datacenter compute GPUs, with GeForce and Workstation GPUs in alpha states. The goal is for the open-source modules to fully replace the closed-source driver in the future. New capabilities like Heterogeneous Memory Management and Confidential Computing have been added. Transitioning to open source with the upcoming R560 driver is recommended for newer GPUs, but older GPUs still require the proprietary driver. The installation process has been modified, with default installations now using the open-source driver. Various package manager details for different distributions are provided for installation guidance. Windows Subsystem for Linux uses the NVIDIA kernel driver from the host Windows OS. Installation of CUDA Toolkit remains unchanged.


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