OtterCast: FOSS Audio streaming device running Linux using Sochip S3 SiP

OtterCastAudioV2 is an open-source audio streaming device that runs on Linux. It is powered by the Sochip S3 SoC and comes with features like a web interface, shairport-sync, snapcast, Spotify Connect, and pulseaudio sink/source. The device is currently in the planning phase for a small batch production run, but individuals can also run their own small batch by following the instructions provided in the production folder. After downloading and flashing the image, users can configure OtterCastAMP through the config.ini file or the web interface. The team behind this project includes individuals specializing in hardware, software, and embedded Linux. The status of OtterCastAudioV1 remains a mystery. The device is tested and works with features such as audio line out, audio headphone out, audio in, WiFi, Ethernet, USB, sound card mode, web interface for configuration, shairport-sync, pulseaudio sink/source, snapcast server/client, and Spotify Connect (librespot). The project is licensed under undisclosed terms.

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