I have been working closely with long-term Chez Scheme maintainers to bring together the Cisco and Racket branches of ChezScheme. We are excited to announce that we are almost ready to merge! This merge will change the code in the Cisco branch to v9.9.9-pre-release.20, bringing us one step closer to a v10.0 release. After the merge, the content of the Cisco branch will be very similar to the current content of the Racket branch. We have taken great care to ensure that the changes in the Racket branch are not specific to Racket and that they maintain the integrity and quality of Chez Scheme. One important note is that the merged Cisco branch will no longer refer to a Git submodule for portable bytecode (pb) boot files. Instead, these boot files will be included in the Cisco repository. This change aligns with how certain platform-specific boot files have historically been included in the Cisco repository. As a helpful tip, I recommend cloning the Cisco repository using the command `git clone –filter=blob:none` to avoid downloading large boot files for older versions. This approach is useful even before the merge, and we will include this tip at the top of the new “README” file