RSS can be used to distribute all sorts of information

RSS is a standard that I really like because of its established and mature nature, simplicity, widespread understanding, strong support, and ability to be extended via namespaces. However, I believe that RSS has so much potential beyond just updating websites. When combined with rssCloud, it allows for virtually instant updates. According to Wikipedia, RSS is a web feed that enables users and applications to access website updates in a standardized, computer-readable format. While this definition is accurate, it limits the possibilities of RSS. By utilizing custom namespaces, RSS can be used to distribute various types of information. Many protocols have been created for similar purposes, but they tend to be overly complex and exclude a lot of people. To achieve true open communication and interoperability, things should be kept as simple as possible. It almost feels like those who invent new standards are intentionally making them difficult so they can control the technology, while criticizing the current gatekeepers of the web. If something is too difficult for the average person to implement, they are forced to rely on existing solutions often provided by those who designed the standard. RSS may not be the perfect solution in its basic form, but with some creative thinking and clever use of namespaces, it could achieve much more. Some may argue that using

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