Server-side rendering is a better choice for many applications (2020)

In this article, the author argues that server-side rendering is often a better choice for many applications, despite the prevalent trend of client-side rendering. They believe that server-side rendering is cheaper to implement, easier to make correct, and often just as fast as client-side rendering. The author points out instances where client-side rendering can lead to user frustrations, such as unopenable links and slow loading times. They also highlight the drawbacks of client-side rendering, including the need for users to install an app and the potential inconsistency between client and server states. The author concludes that server-side rendering is more suitable for read-only or read-mostly applications, while client-side rendering is necessary for complex interactions and write-heavy apps. They mention examples like Figma and Google Docs as suitable use cases for client-side rendering. The article also brings attention to the fact that popular platforms like GitHub and StackOverflow use server-side rendering.

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