Smart Contract Security Field Guide

Welcome to the Smart Contract Security Field Guide! This guide is a passion project, where I share my knowledge, insights, and best practices for writing more secure smart contracts. It’s completely free, as I believe in democratizing knowledge. While I acknowledge that there may be some bias in this resource, I have taken great care to provide objective and helpful guidelines, tips, and strategies. For hackers, there will be a section on vulnerabilities, offering insights into offensive security topics. This guide is independent and not influenced by any corporate interest. It will never try to sell you anything or ask for personal information. Privacy and free access to knowledge are important to me. I hope you find this resource valuable and practical, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer. I respect your privacy and don’t use any trackers on this site. If you have feedback or suggestions, please use the provided form. Enjoy your journey through the Smart Contract Security Field Guide and happy learning! – Dominik

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