The first conformant M1 GPU driver

Asahi Linux has announced the availability of conformant OpenGL ES 3.1 drivers for M1- and M2-family GPUs. These drivers are compatible with any OpenGL ES 3.1 application and can be installed by using Asahi Linux and upgrading the system with the latest drivers. The drivers have passed tens of thousands of tests and have been recognized by the industry as the world’s only conformant OpenGL ES 3.1 implementation for M1- and M2-family graphics hardware. Asahi Linux emphasizes their commitment to quality and the importance of implementing open standards. They also highlight the lack of conformant drivers for the M1/M2 from the manufacturer. Additionally, the article explains the new features of OpenGL ES 3.1, such as compute shaders and atomics on images, and the challenges faced in implementing these features on the M1 GPU.

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