Trying chDB, an embeddable ClickHouse engine

chDB is a powerful SQL OLAP engine that combines the features of SQLite and ClickHouse. Despite its small size of approximately 100mb, it can run on even smaller machines with just 64mb of RAM. What sets chDB apart is its wide range of language bindings, including Python, Node.js, Go, Rust, and C/C++. The author provides interactive examples that can be run and edited directly in the browser without any installations. chDB supports the same SQL syntax as ClickHouse, making it a versatile tool for various operations such as aggregations and window functions. It also supports different input and output formats, including CSV, SQLInsert, JSON, XML, and even Pandas dataframes. Data can be easily written and exported in formats like Parquet, Arrow, or inserted directly into a database table. chDB also allows the creation of user-defined functions in Python that can be used in SQL queries. It adheres to the Python DB API, making it accessible and easy to use. Currently on version 1.0, chDB has a dedicated team of maintainers and a growing user base.

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