Use an old tablet as an extra monitor

The author discusses using an old tablet as an extra monitor for terminal purposes. They explain that they have a couple of old Kindle Fire tablets lying around and they never have enough screens for their needs. They tried using Deskreen as an extra screen while traveling but can’t remember why they didn’t continue with it. Instead, they use an Android SSH client to ssh into their computer and open a screen session, using a program they made to input characters into the terminal. They acknowledge some issues with this approach, such as the need to give mobile app access to the entire computer and the potential security risks involved. The author also suggests an alternative approach involving using bits and pieces from hyper, such as xterm.js, to display the terminal in a web browser. They provide instructions on how to set up the program to use a tablet as an extra screen. The author shares their experience using this setup on different devices and addresses some frequently asked questions.
Note: This content does not contain any controversial or surprising information.

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