Use pygwalker to build visual analysis app in streamlit

In this article, the author introduces the use of Pygwalker and Streamlit for data analysis and visualization. Pygwalker is an open-source Python library that allows users to transform dataframes into interactive interfaces similar to Tableau without coding skills. It offers various visualization options such as scatter plots, line plots, bar charts, and histograms. Streamlit, on the other hand, is a Python library that helps users turn data scripts into web apps quickly and easily. It simplifies the process of building and sharing data applications without extensive web development or coding knowledge. The article provides instructions on getting started with Pygwalker and Streamlit, including installing dependencies and embedding Pygwalker in a Streamlit application. It also explains how to save the state of a Pygwalker chart for future reference. Overall, Pygwalker and Streamlit are valuable tools for data scientists and analysts to explore and communicate their findings effectively.

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