WASI 0.2.0 and Why It Matters

WASI Preview 2, also known as WASI 0.2.0, has been officially launched. This release includes a standard set of interfaces that can be used by library implementers. The wasmCloud runtime WIT definitions will be updated to the pinned versions of WASI 0.2.0. The documentation now includes instructions for building WebAssembly components using Rust, TinyGo, JavaScript, and Python. The focus is on providing support for library developers to build on top of WASI interfaces. The ultimate goal is for developers to use idiomatic community and standard libraries, compile them to WebAssembly, and create a seamless developer experience. The wasmcloud-actor crate is an example of a higher-level interface that provides access to stable WASI interfaces and abstractions for specific functionality. The future looks promising with the emergence of libraries in various languages and potential inclusion in standard language libraries. Overall, this marks an exciting period for the wasmCloud project and the advancement of WebAssembly standards.


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