What’s up, Python? The GIL removed, a new compiler, optparse deprecated

Python is making significant advancements, with the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) being removed in the future. The plan involves releasing an experimental version of Python without the GIL in parallel with the regular version. Eventually, the no-GIL version will become the default, but there is an option to reverse the decision if necessary. Additionally, a new Python compiler called LPython has been introduced, which aims to speed up numerical bottlenecks. Pydantic 2.1 has also been released, offering improved performance for data validation and schema definition. Soft deprecation has been added to PEP 387, marking optparse and getopt as “soft-deprecated.” Cython 3.0 has been released, allowing for the use of all Cython features using regular Python syntax. PEP 722 proposes a syntax in comments for expressing single-script dependencies. VSCode support has become faster with the introduction of a new mypy extension and improvements in pylance. Lastly, there is a surprising and unique terminal-based paint program called textual.


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