Why should I care about OpenTofu?

TL;DR: OpenTofu is an insurance policy and having options is a smart strategy. The author appreciates the overwhelming support and criticism they have received for their project. They address criticism that questions why people should care about the license change. While it may not directly affect individuals, the existence of the project positively affects everyone. The author draws parallels to their experience at Google, where they opted for alternatives to prevent risk. They also mention the need for competition and mention alternatives like Pulumi. OpenTofu promises compatibility, better governance, and features, making it worth supporting. They debunk the idea that OpenTofu is anti-capitalism, as it is supported by competitive companies. Competition leads to innovation, improved user experience, and better products. The license change introduces competition to HashiCorp, which could lead to improvements and increased effort. Regardless of one’s stance on the drama, the author believes everyone should care about the options available and the potential benefits for the community.


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