Wikihouse: Open-Source Houses

WikiHouse components are precision manufactured with millimeter accuracy, ensuring a seamless fit for a precise and straight building. These lightweight components, weighing just 39kg each, are easy to handle and install. Despite their weight, they are incredibly strong, able to support the weight of three elephants. The durability of spruce plywood ensures a certified lifespan of 60 years, potentially lasting for hundreds of years if kept dry. Additionally, the blocks are highly insulated, resulting in an ultra-low energy building. Not only is wood a low emission material, but it also captures and stores carbon from the atmosphere. The flexibility of the blocks allows compatibility with various foundations, cladding, ducts, pipes, and wires. The assembly of a WikiHouse building requires minimal construction skills, with a small team completing the task within hours. Finally, these buildings can be disassembled rather than demolished, with the blocks either reused or recycled at the end of their life cycle.

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