Button Pushes You

Call to action buttons (CTAs) are commonly used in interface design to direct users towards a specific goal. These buttons usually present options from the perspective of the user or the system. However, a new style of button labeling has emerged that aims to reconfigure the user’s state rather than change the system’s state. These buttons, labeled as “Get started,” “Explore,” or “Launch experience,” require users to adopt a new mindset to access the next piece of information. This reconfiguration is solely the responsibility of the user. Examples of these buttons include “Start now,” “Start doing,” and “Create,” which prompt users to change plans, become “doers,” or identify as “creators.” These buttons rely on the user’s positive impression of the resource they’re browsing. The author introduces the concept of “Button Pushes You” (BPY) as a new form of interface design that prompts users to reconfigure themselves by following button-shaped links. The author argues that this shift in button labeling manipulates users into performing work for the system.


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