Bézier Curves and the logic behind them

Bézier curves have been a key part of my frontend engineering career, particularly in animations and SVG paths. However, I recently delved deeper into understanding the logic behind their behavior, which demystified curve-related path commands and enhanced my understanding of web animations. In CSS animations, there are three types of easing functions – Linear, Step, and Cubic Bézier – each with its own purpose. Cubic Bézier is especially useful for creating variable-rate animations. Custom easings can also be generated with cubic Bézier functions. Bézier curves are not only used in animations but also in creating complex shapes in fonts, icons, illustrations, data visualization charts, and more. These curves are defined by anchor points and control points, with the degree of the curve determining the number of points. Quadratic Bézier curves have a degree of 2, while cubic curves have a degree of 3. The angle and length of Bézier handles can be manipulated to achieve desired shapes and patterns. Tools like Photoshop and Figma offer flexibility in handling these handles. SVG paths and HTML canvas are used to draw smooth curves on the web, with SVG being particularly suitable for cubic Bézier curves. The SVG path element is


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