Doom for 16-bit DOS computers

Doom8088 is a port of the classic game Doom specifically designed for PCs with a 16-bit processor like the 8088 or 286. This port is based on GBADoom and can be downloaded from the provided link. However, there are several limitations to this version. It does not have sound and music, saving and loading capabilities, multiplayer, or support for PWADs. It only supports the first episode of Doom 1, and the demo3 is the only one in sync. Due to memory issues, the game frequently crashes, and it runs super slow because it needs to access the hard disk for every frame and calculation. The controls for the game are provided as well. To build Doom8088, you need to install Watcom, run the setenvwc.bat and compwc16.bat commands, and compress the DOOM8088.EXE file with LZEXE. Additionally, the game requires an IWAD file that has been processed by GbaWadUtil, and certain lumps in the WAD need to be replaced with the raw pictures from the WAD directory. It is also possible to build a 32-bit version of Doom8088 with Watcom and DJGPP.

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