How Zoom’s terms of service and practices apply to AI features

Zoom’s Chief Product Officer emphasizes the company’s commitment to empowering customers with secure communication solutions. They highlight recent updates to the terms of service, specifically section 10.4, which states that Zoom will not use customer content to train their AI models without consent. The company aims to provide transparency and user control, particularly regarding their AI features and customer content sharing for product improvement. The terms of service changes in March 2023 clarify data ownership and state that customers own their own video, audio, and chat content. The article also mentions Zoom’s use of service generated data and the need for license and usage rights for certain services. They assure healthcare and education customers that their content, including education records and protected health information, will not be used to train AI models without consent. Zoom recently introduced generative AI features, such as the IQ Meeting Summary and IQ Team Chat Compose, which can be enabled by account owners and administrators. Consent is required for training AI models using customer content, and customer data will not be used for training third-party models. Zoom provides notice to participants when their AI services are being used. The company maintains a commitment to transparency, privacy, and giving customers the tools to make informed decisions about their accounts.

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