Is ORM still an anti-pattern?

In this web content, the author defends ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) technology against common criticisms. They acknowledge that ORMs are not perfect, but argue that they are often misunderstood and misused. The author highlights that ORMs and databases operate under different paradigms, and this can lead to challenges in achieving bidirectional linking. The article discusses how ORMs can violate software design principles such as the Single Responsibility Principle and Separation of Concerns, but also argues that these principles may not be as relevant in today’s coding landscape. The author further explores the real problems with ORMs, including issues of efficiency and visibility. They provide examples of poorly optimized code and demonstrate how utilizing an ORM’s built-in features can lead to more efficient queries. The article concludes by emphasizing that ORMs can be effective when leveraged correctly, but developers should be mindful of visibility and debugging challenges.

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