MdBook – A command line tool to create books with Markdown

mdBook is a versatile command line tool that allows you to create books using Markdown. Whether you need to develop product documentation, API guides, tutorials, or educational materials, mdBook has got you covered. One of its greatest strengths is its lightweight Markdown syntax, which enables you to focus on your content rather than getting bogged down by complex formatting. Another standout feature is its integrated search support, making it easy for users to navigate through your book. With mdBook, you can also customize the formatting of your output using theme files and even extend its capabilities via preprocessors. This powerful tool is written in Rust, ensuring speed, safety, and simplicity. It also offers automated testing for code samples written in Rust. Notably, the Rust programming language project uses mdBook, with The Rust Programming Language book being a prime example of its capabilities. If you’re interested in contributing to mdBook, it’s an open source project with its source code and issues available on GitHub. The mdBook community plays a crucial role in fixing bugs and adding new features, so your contributions are welcome. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that mdBook is released under the Mozilla Public License v2.0, making it freely available to use and modify.

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