Sag-AFTRA votes unanimously to expand its strike to include the games industry

SAG-AFTRA, the media artists union, has decided to expand its strike to include the games industry. This decision came after the union’s board unanimously voted to send a strike authorization vote to its members in interactive media. The key issues up for negotiation include pay and conditions, as well as protection against the unrestrained use of artificial intelligence and its impact on performance capture artists. The companies involved in the negotiations include Activision, Disney, EA, Epic Games, Insomniac, Take 2, and Warner Bros. The union believes that the companies have failed to address their needs, hence the need for a strike authorization vote. SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher expressed frustration with employer greed and the threat that artificial intelligence poses to their members. The union represents a wide range of media professionals in the US.

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